

Neutralizing Solution

Neutralizing solution that stops the action of acids and balances the skin.

After applying a professional peel, the skin pH decreases quickly, so it is vital to rebalance it and restore its natural pH level.

Neutralizing Solution

Neutralizing solution that stops the action of acids and balances the skin.

After applying a professional peel, the skin pH decreases quickly, so it is vital to rebalance it and restore its natural pH level.


Neutralizing solution that stops the action of acids and balances the skin.

SODIUM BICARBONATE: basic compound that reacts with the acids applied to the skin, neutralizing them and slowing their action.

P-P ACTIVE: natural active ingredient formulated with pea proteins with a high skin affinity that acts as a real “builder” due to its restructuring, antioxidant and moisturizing triple action. Restores skin integrity, increases its water content due to its hygroscopic nature and effectively protects against free radicals.


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